Right. Now.
We need women to feel powerful speaking out.
Defending themselves, their young and the world around them.
One of the major barriers to women truly becoming their true selves and being confident – is the illusion that that the fitness or firmness of their body has something to do with their ability to be seen and powerful in the world.
This ridiculous notion is contradicted in my day to day life because
I am lucky enough to work with women birthing babies.
And these women are all sizes in all shapes and a wide variety of ages.
And I know for sure that women do not have to look a certain way to be powerful.
Women are powerful and much of our power comes from out ability to connect to our bodies.
Our intuition.
Our knowing.
It comes from being in our body. But the signs we get from our bodies are subtle often easily masked.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes the Author of Women Who Run With the Wolves, writes
“There is no greater blessing a mother can give her daughter than a reliable sense of the veracity of her own intuition. Intuition is handed down from parent to child in the simplest of ways: “You have good judgment. What do you think lies hidden behind all this?”
This intuitive function belongs to all women. It is a massive and fundamental receptivity. Not receptivity as once touted in classical psychology, that is a passive vessel. But receptivity as in possessing immediate access to a profound wisdom that reaches to women’s very bones.”
What the culture we live in has done is cultivated the opposite.
It is made women scared of their bodies, their needs their desires and their hungers. There are so many distractions telling us we are not enough.
Those distractions are lies.
They are lies that disconnect us from our power.
The path of power and truth can be challenging in this world we live in.
But it brings the sweetest of rewards.
Being connected to your body and your soul (which expresses itself through your body) is one of the profoundest of blessings.
It gives you a physical place of peace to be grounded.
A living way to feel love and to share love.
To feel pleasure and to share pleasure.
It allows you to experience miracles every day and your incredible body.
So yes. I am a weight-loss healer.
And yes – If you are struggling with carrying too much weight, eating to distract yourself, and eating to cover hurt. You will lose weight.
But – truthfully -it is actually a warrior woman training.
It is for letting you heal the hurts.
For letting those things go and to instead let your beautiful power bloom.
It is time to stop the distraction of lies that has kept you from knowing yourself and your true power.
It is a powerful and challenging task.
If you join me for my 1:1 healing program this month we will have four powerful healing sessions.
Each one releasing the blindfold from your eyes.
Letting go of the cape of rocks you have worn to protect. What are you protecting? The virus-laden internal operating system that you were downloaded as a child.
If it is time to clear out and step into your power.
If you are ready to get to the next step of freedom.
Let your body speak to you.
Learn to listen and hear what she has been trying to tell you.
It is time.