Happy New Year! I hope your year is going well so far. I wanted to check in and get started helping you to feel better in 2020! After working with many women and digging deep into how to lose weight and get healthy; I am dedicating 2020 to helping as many women as possible to be free of hating their bodies and feeling stuck, unable to lose weight but also unable to give up the goal of losing weight. Weight loss and diet are one of the most charged, confusing and conflicted areas of self care and believe me!I wanted to avoid it as a career focus! I really did. But, I truly believe that everyone is beautiful and valuable and I HATE that amazing powerful women are wasting time and energy hating their bodies, trying to change, failing and then starting again. Uggggh! There is a better way. A way to not only lose weight and feel better in your body, but to discover and learn tools to help you listen to your body, give your body what it needs and get in touch with and create an amazing life from your deep needs and desires. YES! So let’s get started. The first principal of losing weight like a Goddess is: Clearing Your Blocks:There are many reasons why weight loss is challenging and why we often gain the weight back when we lose it, but one of the most prevalent is underlying beliefs of what it will mean if we lose the weight or if we don’t. These beliefs are very individual, but most of them fall into these categories: What if I fail? Everyone will see me fail again. What will they think? I can’t do that to myself. Again. What must people think of me? What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I get this right? And/orWhat if I succeed?These fears are deep.And they are often focused on the rejection that part of you feels will come if you are successful. If you lose the weight. If you feel great.These look like:Will I be loved if I lose the weight? Will I be too different? Who will I leave behind?Will I be rejected by my tribe?Will it be disloyal? (To my family (often mother)/friends/workmates)Will I be safe? (So much attention/can’t hide behind false story that weight is what keeps you from the life you want.)These deep fears are triggered by weight loss because you can’t hide behind false story that weight is what keeps you from the life you want.These tangled fears are illogical and contradictory and they can wreak havoc on a wellness plan or finally dropping a few pounds. The frightened unconscious part of us gets triggered or anxious and suddenly we find ourselves oversleeping again and again or eating drive through Mcdonalds hoping nobody sees. The great thing about these deep fears and irrational beliefs it that they CAN be cleared and released.You can stop sabotaging yourself!In the coming weeks I will be showing you four simple techniques to help you unearth and release these beliefs. Come over to the Weight Loss for Goddesses facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1039344852820922/ for live interactive videos in the coming weeks.I am inspired to help you clear your blocks, learn to take great care of your body and live the life of your dreams. |