Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving last week if you live in United States. It is a marvelous practice to be thankful. The more time you spend in gratitude – the more you can cultivate feelings of deep joy
But, sometimes when we try and feel gratitude it can end up feeling tinged with guilt. When we look for things we are grateful for sometimes we end up thinking things like, “I’m so lucky I have a house – there so many homeless people. I could be homeless! Or why is it I get a house and they don’t?! Anything could happen. This is all so unfair!”
So if you’re in the sort of mood that gratitude and appreciation rub you the wrong way or make you feel like you should be happier or more grateful or that “I have nothing to complain about” which just makes you feel worse -then a way you can sneak into a positive feeling mindset is by instead looking at pleasure.
Focus on your actual body. If we focus on the sensations of our body and pay attention it is very grounding and helps us to honor these magnificent bodies we are housed in.
Try noticing 10 things that bring you pleasure in a day or on a walk or during a meal. This takes the comparing stressed-out mind out of the experience and lets us just focus on being.
Sometimes I am surprised when I actually notice my body – how little it takes to make it feel wonderful.
A big breath in and out can feel amazing,
Petting the soft silky ears of your dog who is just uncrumpled herself from her bed to come greet you in the morning feels divine.
How about the smell of coffee about to be brewed?
Sometimes the big things we are grateful for can be subject to the whims of fear or they feel transient and insecure.
But feeling pleasure in your body is real and true and present.
So go ahead and think of several things that you enjoyed today.
Feeling the cool wood floor against your feet?
Shampooing your hair for extra long.
Getting a hug from someone who doesn’t give hugs very often. #TeenageDaughters
And let yourself really enjoy it. It takes some of the lofty pressure off the holiday season and lets you have a smaller reachable goal.
This can be important as we head into what might be a charged and challenging holiday season for some of us.
When you are wanting to feel the holiday spirit and be more connected- let yourself feel the cool glass of water in your hand or really see the sunlight coming through the windows or smell the smell of impeding snow in the twilight.
Focusing on the pleasure if the moment takes you out of the grasping fear and logical mind. Drinking it all in feeds our bodies and our souls and ultimately makes us grateful for the little but powerful things that can be part of each of our days. And our bodies are so willing to feel pleasure and joy- And allowing that pleasure in also makes it less likely we will overeat or eat food that makes us feel crappy because we are more connected to our actual bodies.
Give it a try. Try noticing pleasure throughout your day and at nighttime before bed let yourself remember some of thehighlights-writing them down in a pleasure journal is very powerful, too. (To know we will be writing them down makes us even more accountable to our pleasure.)
So take a moment.
Take a breath.
Let me know how it goes.
Also, if it calls to you
I still have several slots available in my signature
Body Reclamation and Awakening Program.
It is very intense and unlike other weight loss coaching.
We actually get to the soul of the matter and work with the deep underlying issues – listening to your body and learning what your body and your soul are trying to tell you.
It is an 8 week program with weekly healing sessions where we create a custom plan to allow the transformation you have been yearning for.
You will have profound results and do so much clearing that you may not even recognize yourself.
You can unlock and uncover patterns and behaviors and release them.
You can be free.
Reply to this email or click on the link below if you’re interested in working with me. For a very limited time I am offering 30% off my signature healing program! If this resonates with you then get in touch with me.