I want to continue with the number 1 principle at Weight Loss for Goddesses which is:

Clearing your Blocks.
I start with that principle because it is so so powerful.
Your blocks are individual and often complicated, but they CAN be cleared.
This program teaches you simple powerful tools to shift your energy and deep underlying beliefs. You can finally change how you lose weight and feel good- even if you have tried and failed so many times before!
There are a few ways to clear your blocks.
One is journaling-
A great exercise to start figuring out your blocks is to sit down, close your eyes and visualize yourself at your perfect weight, wearing your dream outfit. You feel so good. Let yourself feel how amazing and healthy you feel….
Then imagine yourself going up to people in your life. Beaming with joy and health. How do they respond? Are they happy for you? Jealous? Hurt? Frightened you are now too good for them? Critical? Talking behind your back?
Try approaching your friends, workmates, parents, spouse. Everybody. Notice where you feel like people will be judgmental or unhappy and write it down.
Write it all down free form.
Let yourself discover what you are you scared of if you lose the weight?
Then take any negative stressful response and write on it for a while. Let yourself dig deep and really explore with your journaling where that negative feeling comes from and how it impacts you. Journaling is amazing and can really clear things out of your system.
Another tool for clearing is to take what you learned journaling and begin to tap on it following along with the video I included below .
In the video I begin sharing the amazing tool of tapping/EFT to clear blocks that are holding you back from creating the life of your dreams. Check out this video and let me know how it goes.
Another way to clear the blocks is a healing practice that I do with private clients called EmoTrance or Emotional Transformation which helps you move and clear stuck energy from the body really quickly It is amazing.
Having the tools to change your life is profoundly rewarding. It allows you to move forward in new ways because you can just clear the obstacles as they come up! This creates
I hope you start to uncover and clear your blocks with the journaling and tapping! They are simple, free and powerful. Take advantage of them and set yourself free!