We’ll continue with the internal focus as we begin moving our bodies in a way that our body actually enjoys.
This, like Eating to Feel Good, is revolutionary.
We are so used to moving our bodies in ways that we don’t like, pushing our bodies and ignoring our body’s cues.
Many of us were even trained to use exercise as a way to punish our beautiful bodies.
No more of that.
You are now going to move your body how your body likes.
This, again, requires that you listen to your actual body.
And what a joy that is!
It is time to reassure your body you will no longer be punishing it for eating or being hungry.
Instead you will strive to treat your body with the same kindness you would treat a child or a pet.
You are going to discover how your body wants to move.
Like with food, your body has a deep awareness of what is best for it.
Our bodies are amazing.
Your body is amazing.
If you are one of the lucky people on this planet who can walk; I recommend you begin with that.
Walk OUTSIDE as much as you can.
I know there is nasty weather, ice and cars, but it is best if you find somewhere that you can walk outside.
Being in nature is profoundly healing and calming for our bodies.
We are, actually, animals.
And we are animals that have evolved to live outside until very very recently.
Our bodies love to feel the wind on our faces, smell the smells of damp dirt or sunbaked grass and hear the sounds of birds singing.
Our bodies were made for being outside.
In coming weeks we will talk about what our bodies are truly hungry for and how we may have gotten confused about soul hunger versus hunger for food.
For now, I will tell you that almost certainly one of the things your body is hungry for is more time outside in nature. Study after study shows that nature is healing to our immune system, our physical bodies and our souls.
So, the first form of exercise you’ll be doing will be getting outside and walking while appreciating the world around you.
Once you’ve begun walking then you can start to look at other ways of moving your body. Pick something that calls to you.
Get a catalog from the local community college, check out the newspaper for yoga studios and investigate classes at the YMCA and see what feels appealing to you.
Maybe a nice quiet restorative yoga class, maybe some kind of team sport?
Maybe something you’ve been wanting to do forever. Belly dancing? Cross country skiing? Swimming?
If the weather is really bad it is still good to get out but you can also dance around in your house while listening to music that you love.
Your goal is activating a joyful celebratory experience in your body. You will be allowing your body to feel pleasure in movement. This all might sound really different than what you’ve been doing, but I’m sure you can see how doing something you love is much much much easier to maintain and to get back to after interruptions like injury, travel or sickness. And moving your body this way decreases cortisol and allows your body to relax, heal itself and release weight that is hanging on because of constant stress and overwhelm in our daily lives.
Later in the week in the Facebook group I’ll do a tapping exercise to clear some of the trauma around exercise you may have forced yourself to do throughout your life. I did so many things my body really didn’t like – swimming at 6 AM in a cold pool in college, getting up at 5 AM to go spinning in the dark while my baby slept for a stunningly brief period of time, and lifting weights in a dark gym with lots of men grunting around me. Uggh. Tapping is very helpful in clearing our history of suffering and setting us free to start again.
What is it your body would like to do?
Ask your body what it is drawn to and then journal your body‘s response.
You are making friends with your body.
Getting your body to trust you.
Thais is how you tap in to the incredible power and wisdom of the magnificent instrument you’ve been blessed to live in!
And ultimately that another powerful step to losing weight like a goddess.