Hello loves,
It has been a long time since I have reached out to you. In some ways it feels like a lifetime has gone by.
I hope you are doing OK and managing this extremely challenging time as best you can.
The theme of the week that I was going to share many months ago was Just Begin Again.
(But, I was sidetracked by the pandemic, working in a hospital, having kids and husband home from school, finding my eating and self-care habits under great stress and begin to feel trivial as the dual pandemics of covid and racism caused (and continues to cause) so much suffering in this world. It can be challenging to be present and do self care when you are fearing for the lives and future of yourself, your children and the world. And add to that that so many of our black and brown brothers and sisters have been feeling that fear all along. UGGGHHH!)
It can start to sound privileged and useless to talk about things like:
Self care.
Weight loss.
Eating healthy.
Being present.
People are dying and suffering!
No one knows what is going to happen!
We may never get back to normal!
Normal was never fair or safe for many!
But, while this is true and life for many of us is more chaotic and filled with uncertainty than EVER before-it turns out we still have to live in our bodies and we still can do tremendous good- even in a burning world.
It is actually a privilege and honor to care for ourselves so we can do the work we need to do to tend to our dreams, others around us and the whole world.
Each of us is so needed and we must be at our best- even though sometimes that might not be so great!
Taking care of our bodies and souls is necessary and sacred work.
And it turns out-Just Begin Again- is always the perfect message because we, as humans, need the reminder.
It is one of the first teachings in meditation.
Your thoughts will scatter and you will be distracted.
Just begin again.
No tantrum. No judgement.
No conclusion about your worthiness.
Just begin again.
And Again.
And again.
It is not a failure to come off track.
It is the practice to begin again and return to yourself.
If you have been away for years, months or moments.
Just Begin Again.
I am beginning again as well. I will be reaching out to you weekly, sharing and looking for feedback on what you need. Next week I will review what we had covered in learning the 8 Principles to Losing Weight like a Goddess and we can continue.
Together we can figure out how to take care of our bodies and souls – our dreams and the world around us during this very very challenging time.
Sending love and strength.
