Hello Gorgeous!

Hello Loves,

As you know, I’m a healer around weight loss.

I show women who can’t fit into their clothes who are struggling with weight gain and out-of-control cravings how to conquer their cravings, lose the weight and live the life of their dreams!

Here’s the thing. So many of us are so scared about giving up certain foods. We think they are so important for coping with life and for connecting with the people around us. I told a co-worker of mine that I wasn’t going to order a sundae from Friendly’s because I wasn’t eating ice cream and she actually started crying.

She cried for me that I couldn’t eat ice cream and she cried for the thought of how bereft her life would be without it.

Now, I love this woman and I get that she loves ice cream.
What I have found being a healer around weight loss is that while our attachment to a certain foods is a combination of many things, there are several core issues I run into again and again.

By addressing both the physiologic addiction and the deep emotional component of weight loss I am able to get amazing results for my clients.

Our bodies WANT to eat well and feel good. They really do.

We have just been co-opted by food that is manufactured to make us want it even when it isn’t good for us. 
We are actually so addicted to that food it has infiltrated our own operating-system – like a virus and even taken over our intuition and body awareness about what foods we want to eat! We choose to not notice how terrible the food makes us feel and continue eating it. Which is crazy, but new research on addiction says that’s what the addiction does. It sneaks in and overwhelms our instincts and desire to survive and thrive and replaces it with the need to get the drug/food. Uggh!

But this can be CLEARED!

We also have an emotional attachment to keep eating the way we do-usually this is deep and needs to be uncovered. 
We don’t want to get kicked out of the tribe and many have a fear of being ostracized if we lose weight and eat differently from how we were raised or those around us.

Also, many of us are frightened deep down of becoming more of a target for more sexual attention from dangerous men (our current outpouring of stories of #metoo show you how many women have been hurt and many unconsciously believe by getting bigger they will be safer.) 
This was one of the reasons I “couldn’t” lose my pregnancy weight. Unconsciously I loved not being subjected to as much male attention and expectation.
(Obviously this is misguided and women of all shapes and sizes are assaulted and plenty of women who are large are also gorgeous, confident and sexy, but our unconscious mind sometimes goes to great lengths to protect us in irrational ultimately not-helpful ways!)

These issues can CLEARED!

So, when someone signs up with me for healing their weight loss issues – they have to be ready to go deep and do some work. Sure, we talk about what to eat, but most of the work that allows weight to come off and stay off is deep inner work.
I have a gift for helping women hone in, find and clear those areas that have been holding them back.

So much joy and freedom is available when we are finally free of those unconscious blocks and beliefs that are holding us back. It really feels miraculous.
If you want to join my 8 week 1:1 Healing for Weight Loss program and you are ready for some digging deep and some serious results then PM me. My schedule has cleared out and I am ready to take on 4 clients who are ready for a change.

We Need Warrior Women


Right. Now.
We need women to feel powerful speaking out. 
Defending themselves, their young and the world around them.

One of the major barriers to women truly becoming their true selves and being confident – is the illusion that that the fitness or firmness of their body has something to do with their ability to be seen and powerful in the world.

This ridiculous notion is contradicted in my day to day life because
I am lucky enough to work with women birthing babies.

And these women are all sizes in all shapes and a wide variety of ages.

And I know for sure that women do not have to look a certain way to be powerful.

Women are powerful and much of our power comes from out ability to connect to our bodies.

Our intuition.

Our knowing.

It comes from being in our body. But the signs we get from our bodies are subtle often easily masked.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes the Author of Women Who Run With the Wolves, writes

“There is no greater blessing a mother can give her daughter than a reliable sense of the veracity of her own intuition. Intuition is handed down from parent to child in the simplest of ways: “You have good judgment. What do you think lies hidden behind all this?”

This intuitive function belongs to all women. It is a massive and fundamental receptivity. Not receptivity as once touted in classical psychology, that is a passive vessel. But receptivity as in possessing immediate access to a profound wisdom that reaches to women’s very bones.”

What the culture we live in has done is cultivated the opposite. 
It is made women scared of their bodies, their needs their desires and their hungers. There are so many distractions telling us we are not enough. 
Those distractions are lies.

They are lies that disconnect us from our power.

The path of power and truth can be challenging in this world we live in. 
But it brings the sweetest of rewards.

Being connected to your body and your soul (which expresses itself through your body) is one of the profoundest of blessings. 
It gives you a physical place of peace to be grounded.

A living way to feel love and to share love. 
To feel pleasure and to share pleasure. 
It allows you to experience miracles every day and your incredible body. 
So yes. I am a weight-loss healer. 
And yes – If you are struggling with carrying too much weight, eating to distract yourself, and eating to cover hurt. You will lose weight.

But – truthfully -it is actually a warrior woman training. 
It is for letting you heal the hurts.
For letting those things go and to instead let your beautiful power bloom.

It is time to stop the distraction of lies that has kept you from knowing yourself and your true power.

It is a powerful and challenging task. 
If you join me for my 1:1 healing program this month we will have four powerful healing sessions.
Each one releasing the blindfold from your eyes.
Letting go of the cape of rocks you have worn to protect. What are you protecting? The virus-laden internal operating system that you were downloaded as a child.

If it is time to clear out and step into your power.
If you are ready to get to the next step of freedom.
Let your body speak to you. 
Learn to listen and hear what she has been trying to tell you. 
It is time.

Before and After

I am torn about my before and after pics.

I love that they captures dramatic change of losing 40 pounds and having so much less generalized inflammation. I FEEL like I went through a huge transformation and I feel so much better and healthier and think the photos are evidence of that.


I certainly don’t want to disparage my before photo.  I don’t want to put that me down. I was having a great time at a party! I think I look pretty darn nice. And happy. I was happy – damn it. And I was awesome. I don’t want to disrespect myself and all the amazing things I was doing (living, working, raising children, having fun with friends, trying to be a good person, etc.)

Just like you. Just like all of us. Whatever our weight.

None of that previous awesomeness is diminished because I lost some weight. I hate to play into the idea that weight means more than it does.

Our weight and our physical appearance are truly such a small portion of who we are, so transient and so changing.

C’mon people death and decay are coming for us all! Right?

I was torn about becoming a weight loss coach because I don’t really care how much you weigh. I actually have one of those brains that can’t really tell if people have gained or lost weight, unless it is really obvious.

But. The big thing I am ever-so-excited about and that I realized I HAD to SHARE with you is feeling good when I eat and feeling good after I eat!

It is really astonishing. And I feel great about having steady energy. No more dramatic ups and downs and “Oh my god I am on such a sugar-high from that cookie (gluten-free :)) and frappachino how do they expect me to function?”

It has freed up so much time and space in my brain and it has made me SO much less scattered and anxious to give up my food addictions and learn what food makes me feel good.

I also do like shopping for pants more now.

And I like to get polka-dot and suede pants because I can find them in my size.

For a while I only wore yoga pants.

Which was fine. I want to be clear I am not judging you-whatever damn size you are.

I am just inviting you to change how you feel everyday, how you move in the world and how you take care of yourself.

It’s big!

It’s amazing.

(And you might also lose some weight :))

Here is a link to the challenge that begins next week.

Love yourself; lose the weight!

I’d love if you would join me and the other incredible women there.

And also, here is poem that I love, that cheers me, lifts me up and comforts me. One of my favorite lines is:

“You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.”

Beautiful. Let’s do that.

Click on the link to sign up.

Sign up for the challenge!


Katherine Harris RN BSN BA CCAP Reiki and Emotrance Practitioner




Wild Geese By Mary Oliver

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting-
over and over announcing your place
In the family of things.

Aromatherapy for Weight Loss

Sign up for a great handout to help you discover aromatherapy that support weight loss and help you eat healthier.

  • Essential oils that decrease your appetite – especially when you smell them just before you eat!
  • Essential oils that help lift your mood and immediately distract you from a CONSUMING craving.
  • Learn tricks to help you integrate these oils into your life – to help with weight loss and stress relief.

Get your free Aromatherapy for Weight Loss Handout by clicking HERE!

This informative handout is only a part of what I offer at Weight Loss for Goddesses. I have a fun facebook page where we talk about all the amazing techniques and methods I teach to lose weight and feel amazing so you can move on from worrying about your weight and live the life of your dreams!

Come join us in the Weight Loss for Goddesses facebook group!


(Here is the procedure to join the Facebook group:

1.  Click the link above – This will take you to the Weight Loss for Goddesses Facebook page.

2.  Click the “Join” button on the bottom right side of the banner picture.

3.  You will see the “join” button change to “pending.”

4.  Once we receive the request, we will approve it.

5.  You will receive a notification from Facebook saying that you have been approved.

6.  Feel free to visit the group and introduce yourself.)


And if you want to get your hands on some oils QUICK then you can also purchase some easy-to-use essential oils at my etsy page.
